The objective is to make France the first completely carbon-free industrial country. The multi-annual energy programming (PPE), consumer protection vis-à-vis electricity suppliers, the resolution of the European dispute on electricity dams and the regulation of EDF are at the top of the pile at the agenda of the Minister for Industry and Energy.

For the minister, it is an exciting project, which will involve hundreds of thousands of people, billions of capital, with historic projects. We are building the energy infrastructure of the next fifty years. This vast program compares, according to him, to the construction site of the 21st century. It is a project which will remake France into a great industrial nation and guarantee its energy sovereignty. It will involve billions of people and billions of dollars in capital. It's a project that compares to the Construction Site of the21st century, says Roland Lescure, the minister for industry and energy. It’s a program that compares, says Lescures, with the constructionSite of the 1921, the construction of the first atomic reactor.