The initial salary of a new retiree is calculated according to the updated average salary of the last 10 years. In April, those already retired have an increase that can reach 18% (with bonus) and 27.4% (without bonus).

And in May, 11%, without computing the eventual bonus. For those who retire in April or May, the initial salary is calculated with the same coefficients as in March and does not correspond to the increase in April and May. The new value or coefficient will be updated in June, ANSeS told Clarn. The Social Security specialist, Guillermo Jauregui, gave the following example: whoever stopped working and retired on March 15 with an initial salary in March of $237,002, with the increase will earn $301,822 in April and $335,854 in May, 21,8% less than if they had ceased their tasks in March. “There is a fundamental principle in Argentine provision that has been defined as "the indifference of termination."