Sarit Polak, the ex-wife of the rapper Static, recently turned off the gossip sections in Israel. Now, she finally answers the question everyone has been asking: "It has to be about the past" Recently, by chance (or not) she brought up a new and no less sarcastic story with Omar Adam's song "Nights and curses" which goes like this: "You don't listen to me anymore, there is no respect between us.

Tell me how you're going to teach me. I'm sorry for everything, A champion in falling, the silence is killing me. My eyes are burning, the television is shouting at me to get out of here" She was quick to emphasize that it was not about the divorcee and that he was not the only man she dated because it was a quote taken from her new book. "I'm not stinging him, we're on good terms, we work together," she said. "Any girl uploading a random Tiktok is fine. I wish the government would concentrate on the return of the abductees, that's the main issue," she added.