A new version of “Scrabble” hit stores on April 9. The Parisian tried his hand at this variation of the most famous board game.

The goal: achieve 20 “objectives” as the game progresses by placing words according to imposed constraints. If your letters do not allow you to do so, you must use a “help” card. If you have used them all, then the game ends and all players lose.. “Place a word with two different vowels” is a relatively relatively simple “Objective” for this game from 8 years old. It is clear that certain certain ‘objective’ cards are. relatively simple and justify themselves in the fact of recommending this game to people who find word games intimidating,” says Mattel in a press release. The game is sold in a special "2 games in 1" edition, which offers players the opportunity to stay with the traditional version or try the “cooperative” mode.