In Germany, more and more people are at risk of poverty in old age, especially women. A protagonist of an RTL Zwei program is still working in retirement - also to offer something to her grandchildren.

“I’m still physically able to work and I feel better when I earn my own money,” says the pensioner. The number of people aged between 63 and 67 who are subject to social insurance contributions and those in marginal employment rose to 1.67 million last year. The RTL program was broadcast in 2022 and it is unclear whether Heidi has now applied for an increase.. For many people, their pension is not enough to live on. A study shows that significantly fewer people receive basic pensions than announced. The gap really opens up in the mid-30s, when most people start a family and women adapt their careers to care work, says economist Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi to ZDF. Many people want to retire earlier - but it is no longer possible without some deductions.