Sebastian Fitzek is known for his thrillers. The best-selling author announced his new thriller “The Calendar Girl” for October 23rd.

The paperback edition is also advertised here as the “newest book” Maybe, some readers speculate, there will be a film adaptation on Amazon Prime or Netflix. Until then, you can pass the waiting time with the questions in the Fitzek quiz. The date April 10th and the time 9 a.m. are only mentioned there in large letters in black on a white background. Further information is missing. At the time of the article (April 9th, 10:35 a.M.) there was also no information about a possible new release on the publisher's website. The bestselling author announced the paperback edition of ‘The First Last Day’ and was a guest at @sallyswelt, where you could win signed books and kitchen items from Sally, the new post on Instagram gives a lot to think about.