"The Sympathizer" follows a spy from North Vietnam who infiltrates the secret police in the south of the country. The hero and narrator, nicknamed the Captain, is a communist spy, rallied to the cause of the northern part of his country at war against the South and its American allies.

The first episode of the series is available on the Warner Pass from this Monday, April 15 (a part will then be added each week), is quite breathtaking. Hoa Xuande, Robert Downey Jr, Sandra Oh, David Duchovny and Marine Delterme are also featured in the credits of the first episode. Park Chan-wook, the director of the films “Old Boy”, “Mademoiselle” and the mini-series “The Little Drummer Girl’, also directed the first three parts of this series. The series succeeds in painting a captivating and nuanced picture of a particularly delicate period of history where the American point of view is too often over-represented.