The latest trend in fashion is to dress like a cowboy. The trend has been around for some time, but is now taking off.

It's inspired by the popular song "Texas Hold'em" by Elton John. The song is about a man playing a game of Texas Hold 'em with his friends. The winner is the man who gets to hold the winning card. The loser is the one who loses the game, and the loser gets to play again. The result is that the winner is always the man, not the boy, who wins the game. The same is true for the loser, who loses out on the game because he doesn't get to play the game as it was meant to be played by his friends, not by the man himself, but by the rules of the game he has to follow. The end result is the same: a man who can't play, but who wants to be the guy who wins, and who doesn't want to lose, and so on.