Writer Gabriel Matzneff seduced a 14-year-old girl with whom he had a relationship basically based on sex. Vanessa Springora took years to understand that this was not love but psychological and sexual abuse, manipulation, and rape.

A film adaptation is now being released in Spain, directed by Vanessa Filho and with Springora herself as co-writer. It is about using cinematographic language in an honest but clean way; true but considered; evocative of that hell, but never explicit. Let it not be ambiguity that dominates in that view. A way of applying cinematic meaning to what is pure abjection is needed. However, Filho does not have it. The film adaptation will be released in Spanish cinemas on September 14. The English version of this article originally stated that the film adaptation would be released on September 15. We are happy to clarify that this is not the case and that the Spanish version of the film will not be released until September 14, 2015.