Baptism marks a highlight in the first years of a baby's life. Particularly preferred times for baptism are around Easter and Pentecost.

It is also part of the custom that the person being baptized is given a gift. Here you will find three books on the subject of baptism that capture the process and the special features of the ceremony. These three books are good preparation and gift ideas for Baptism Day in Germany on March 25.. Baptism is a religious ceremony that takes place in the church at the beginning of each year on the same day as the Easter Vigil. In the past, baptism traditionally took place on the. Easter Vigil, but in principle the baptism ceremony can be held all year round. There are often also gifts of money for baptisms. Here, we show you what amount is appropriate for a baptism gift and how to choose the best one for your child. We also show you how to get the most out of your baptism gift by taking a look at some of our other baptism gifts.