Pregnancy is associated with accelerated biological aging. Biological age progressed faster than chronological age during the study period.

In the 20 weeks between early and late pregnancy, an average of around two years. For some people, the decline in biological age by eight years was measured. Breastfeeding also causes a greater decline in maternal biological age within three months of birth. How long the process changes with multiple pregnancies has not yet been researched, it also remains to be found out how the aging process changes in the long-term after a baby is born. The importance of pregnancy is different for every woman - some decide to become a mother early, others don't want to have children until late or not at all. But what about the mother? A number of studies indicate that women who have given birth face health problems later in life. A recent paper published in the journal “Cell Metabolism’ has now highlighted changes at the DNA level due to pregnancy. These indicate an increased biological age of the pregnant woman.