"Every woman after 50 must bring orgasm back to her life," claims an expert. Studies show that regular orgasm relieves headaches, lowers blood pressure and even maintains heart health.

For many women, the cessation of the menstrual cycle also signifies the end of their sex life. Many women feel that in their youth they should have satisfied the man, and when they do not have sex or do not come For orgasm, it's a kind of release for them. But it can change your life and improve Your health - masturbation is medicine. And women, but especially those who have passed the menopause, should consider using sex accessories, and this is my professional opinion. Some treatments, including certain types of hormone replacement therapy, are not all that all women should be ashamed and talk to a doctor about the issue, says Prof. Joyce Harper. The viewing of this video is intended for women who have reached the age of 18. For women over 50, the viewing of the video is meant for those who are still sexually active. For some women, this stop in sexual relations, also has a health cost.