If you want to quit your job, you must submit a notice of termination to your employer. An email is not enough, the termination is ineffective and those involved can lose a lot of time, money and planning security.

A printed termination letter with a digital signature is also invalid. Be sure to ask for confirmation of receipt and a specific date of departure. And sign the cancellation at the end of the letter by hand, explains specialist lawyer Johannes Schipp. If you are unsure about who exactly you should address the letter to, ask your superiors. This way you can ensure that the letter ends up directly in the hands of the right contact person. It is not sufficient to simply announce the intention. The employee must state that he is ending the employment relationship. This applies to both employees and employers. You only officially canceled your contract when the letter was delivered by post. The notice period only begins from this point onwards. This regulation cannot be circumvented through extra clauses in the contract, emphasizes Jana Kölling, a specialist lawyer for labor law.