Is there a more convenient day or time to look for good rates? Myths, realities and expert recommendations. The choice of season is usually decisive and the possibility of trying different dates is essential.

The more we can play with days, months and schedules, the more chances we will have of getting the most convenient rate. For example, a high-season flight to Miami generally costs US$800, but it's a very good price since it's high season. Outside of the peak season, we can find options for US$500. That will depend on our flexibility to travel and what is common to that season. That is a key factor to avoid falling into false offers and have reference prices. The day of the week does not usually influence the price. There is the myth of Tuesdays, but after several years of analysis, we conclude that a good offer can appear any day. It makes absolutely no difference to enter Turismocity from an incognito window; the price will always be the same. Although it is not an 'offer', it is a very convenient price for the time of year.