The announcement was made together with representatives of the entities that bring together the private sector. The discounts are for the low season and trips to Argentina.

The proposal announced by the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, and the Secretary of Tourism, Environment, and Sports, Daniel Scioli, includes discounts on tickets, accommodation, and fees. The government is working with the Chamber of Tourism and the Ministry of Tourism so that packages can be purchased, even with the support of public and private banks, the officials said in a press conference on Monday. The announcement was also made on behalf of the Argentine Ski Association. The ski association said it was pleased with the government's decision to offer discounts on long-distance tickets and on ski passes to ski centers. The tourism sector is "one of the driving forces of the economy," said the Interior Minister, who highlighted "the President's political decision" for the tourism sector, which he defined as "One of the Driving Forces of the Economy."