Thyroxine, an artificially administered hormone to treat the thyroid, is one of the most commonly prescribed medications in Germany and the USA. There is a risk of interaction with minerals such as calcium and magnesium through mineral water.

It is safest if, for example, you swallow thyroxine in the morning and preparations such as iron and zinc capsules in the evening. Calcium salts are often prescribed for osteoporosis prophylaxis. In cases of iron deficiency, iron supplements are often recommended, especially towards the end of pregnancy. Zinc is often taken to strengthen the immune system, support healthy skin and support healthy hair because they inhibit thyroid hormone production. The pill as a contraceptive or foods such as coffee that can influence the effect of the thyroid hormone can also be considered. If it is difficult for patients to adjust to an ideal Thyroxine dose, interactions with mineral water and dietary supplements should also be consider. For example, there should be an interval of at least two or, better, four hours between taking thyroxin and the minerals.