The representative of small businesses proposes to discuss again without Medef and CPME, accused of having prevented any agreement. “Our proposals were swept aside without even being able to discuss them,” argues Michel Picon, president of the U2P.

By this act, the smallest employers' union risks finding itself in open war with the other two, argues Picon. On Cetu, Hubert Mongon, negotiator on labor and employment issues for the majority employers' organization, has already warned that he would oppose any proposed agreement. No doubt it will be the same on the other subjects discussed. Especially since in the event of an agreement, Picon announced he would ask that it “be extended to all companies’ The meeting next Tuesday is above all consultative, since it is now the State which has control, after Tuesday’s failure, says Picon in a letter to Les Échos, Le Figaro and L’Humanité.