A Belgian foodie drove 115 km for a meat loaf roll in Krefeld, Germany. The Facebook user's journey supposedly took him not quite that far, but still a decent distance.

Globus seems to have set itself up as a lure to lure liver cheese fans with a good price-performance ratio. A blind test revealed a competing product with a better taste, but back to the Belgian meatloaf fan: “Respect for taking the long way!’“I live only eight minutes from Globus Krefeld. Let me know and I'll reserve something for you next time!” The Belgian could quickly fill up with this. Schnitzels are also hotly discussed online, such as this example and its “completely insane price...” “I think the one from the Spezi-Metzger tastes better. Of course taste is personal,” the Belgian said.. The comments also show that the Belgian Meatloaf fans also help each other: ‘Respect, I’m glad you like it.’