Chocolate is less sweet than fruit, but on condition that you choose it as dark as possible. The higher the cocoa content, the less sweet it is and the more trace elements it contains.

Chocolate is rich in nutrients, essential for the functioning of the body, and in fiber. Some people have difficulty digesting the fiber in raw fruit at the end of a meal, which can lead to fermentation of residue and therefore digestive disorders, such as bloating. A portion of fruit is equivalent to three clementines or two kiwis, or a large apple or even 15 to 20 grapes. It is better to adapt your dessert to the content of your meal, says dietitian nutritionist Valérie Méry Mandeville. “Everything is possible when you know how to manage your diet,” she says. The French government recommends two to three servings of fruit per day, with 5 to 20% sugar depending on the fruit. For example, a clementine is. equivalent to a cube of sugar and a banana, up to eight depending on its level of ripeness.