Creamy, delicious and full of probiotic cultures - homemade yogurt is a pleasure for the body and taste buds. The versatility of yogurt is reason enough to make the food yourself, because it's actually easier than you think.

All you need are two ingredients, a few clean jars, and some patience. In this article, Simply Tasty shows step by step how you can easily make your own natural yogurt - even without a special yogurt maker. The yoghurt mixture must be kept warm for a longer period of time so that theYoghurt cultures can work. Instead of an oven, a well-cleaned thermos can also do this job. Use yogurt pure, with fruit, as a base for dips or as an ingredient in cakes and muffins as desired. For a milder yogurt, shorten the fermentation time; for a firmer yogurt simply lengthen it. The best way to check the temperature is with a kitchen thermometer. To find your favorite Yoghurt, it's worth taking a look at our list of the best.