A goldfish lies in a parking lot for 40 minutes but survives thanks to help. A flying heron caught on camera suggested the cause: the bird had apparently lost its prey.

Goldfish are social creatures that roam in schools and have a calm, peaceful nature. Although they can initially be kept in an aquarium, they thrive best in an outdoor pond, where they also reproduce. Raising goldfish requires a certain level of understanding and care. Keeping goldfish in round jars or balls is animal cruelty. It is also important to only give the goldfish as much food as they can eat in a short time in order to avoid pollution and clouding of the water. The peaceful animals can live up to 30 years and, in exceptional cases, even live longer. A British man caught a huge goldfish that weighed over 30 kilograms. Read how a goldfish survived a trip through the sewers in this article. You can find even more exciting animal topics in the free newsletter from Landtiere.de, which you can subscribe to right here.