Excessive consumption of watermelon caused hyperkalemia in three patients suffering from chronic kidney failure. High levels of potassium in the blood can interfere with the functioning of nerve and muscle cells.

A diet very rich in potassium can be the cause and the risks are increased in the event of kidney problems which prevent the kidneys from eliminating potassium in sufficient quantity. In all cases, reducing the consumption of. watermelon has helped reduce the level ofassium in the. blood. The case study “highlights the importance of dietary advice in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, including end-stage renal disease,” the study authors point out. The first clinical case reported in the study concerns a 56-year-old man suffering from renal failure. The patient was admitted to intensive care after losing consciousness for around fifteen seconds. His heart rate notably dropped to 20 beats per minute while the heart generally beats between 60 and 100 times per minute. Doctors explained this by the fact that the patient ate watermelon every night in the two months preceding his hospitalization.