Total number of transactions in second-hand apartments in February was 3,867 apartments, a moderate increase of 2% compared to February last year. Compared to the previous month, an 11% decrease was recorded.

Rehovot area led the increase in transactions in this market segment, after sharp declines throughout the year 2023, beyond the national rate of decline. On the other hand, in the Tel Aviv area there was a 14% decrease in the sale of second- hand apartments, following sharp decreases in the previous months. The Beer Sheva region recorded a moderate growth of only 2% in February compared to January last year, according to a report published today (Thursday) by the chief economist at the Treasury. Did it affect the prices of the apartments that were sold? View the deals that took place this week at the bottom of the page. Back to Mail Online home. Back To the page you came from.. The back to the page that you came From. The front page of this article was the front page.