Before going to see your veterinarian for your cat, you can spot the signs of possible illness, including fever. By watching for these signs, you will prevent your pet's condition from deteriorating.

Without a thermometer, to know if your cat is hyperthermic, that is to say above 39.5°C, some signs could indicate that your animal has a fever. Fever is one of the common symptoms of different conditions or illnesses. It is therefore essential to consult quickly if you are concerned about your cat's health. With insurance for your pet, veterinary costs will be covered! If you have any doubts about your pet’s state of health, do not hesitate to seek medical advice to prevent the situation from getting worse. The only truly reliable method for knowing a cat's body temperature is taking a rectal temperature. You still need to have the thermometer on hand, make the right gestures, without stress, and preferably have assistance to hold the cat. If you suspect your pet is ill, don't give him any medication on your own initiative, but instead apply a few common sense principles.