Bladder weakness or incontinence is now considered a widespread disease, but many of those affected do not dare to talk about it openly. Adults are usually recommended to drink 1.5 to 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

Drinking less and consuming less fluid also trains the bladder muscles less. The risk of infection such as cystitis increases if the kidneys and bladder are not flushed regularly. People who drink too little are more likely to develop bladder and pyelonephritis. Which drinks you can drink without hesitation. Sufficient fluid intake is important for a healthy bladder. Which foods to avoid if you have a weak bladder. You can safely have three drinks without probably having to rush to the bathroom. The German Continence Society e. V. assumes that there are over nine million people with incontinent in Germany, which affects around 25 percent of women and eleven percent of men - the number of unreported cases is probably higher. It is important to drink properly, that is, to choose drinks that do not increase the urge to urinate.