'Blood on the Lips' is a lesbian 'noir' that proposes a cocktail of steroids, serial murders and rough sex. Kristen Stewart plays the daughter of a local mobster, who senses an escape route to a better future when she meets Jackie, a beautiful bodybuilder played by Katy O'Brian.

The film is directed by the British Rose Glass, who debuted in 2020 with   Saint Maud, an acclaimed religious and crypto-lesbian horror story. "I liked that the movie was morally ambiguous. As women, we are always asked to do the right thing. It doesn't happen to men," says Stewart. "In today's cinema everything is a mixture of known quantities from films that have been successful. If there is no equation that guarantees that it will work, it is very difficult to get a budget, which makes it difficult to introduce a bit of novelty, which is what is very common in an industry that wants to make money," she adds.