This delicious spring lasagna can be made without béchamel sauce or cream. Colorful vegetables, pureed tomatoes and a little sour cream ensure a particularly light enjoyment.

A kind of minced meat sauce, similar to a meatless Bolognese, can be easily prepared with lentils. This traditional Italian dish can also delight with spinach, pasta sheets and bé chamel sauce.. The vegetarian vegetable lasagne can be wonderfully mixed with a large salad, mixed with parsley and garnished with a little fresh parsley. It's definitely worth turning on the oven. This means you can quickly bake Mediterranean oven-baked vegetables with feta or a crispy potato and broccoli casserole until golden. And the classic potato gratin is also a regular dish in many German households. Don't want to miss any recipes and kitchen tricks? Click here for the enjoyment newsletter from our partner Click here to see the rest of the recipes in the library.