“And Grandfather Breathed with the Waves” takes readers on a journey into the past. The book tells the story over a period of four years, starting in 1943 and ending the story in 1947.

There are different perspectives of the characters, the story is told from the perspective of Konrad, Sigrid or Sverre. The insights into people's living conditions and feelings provide clues to the traumas that are suffered and ultimately passed on to generations. It's a shame that there is a lack of insight into the memories of the granddaughter Juni, who in the first book more impressively demonstrated the threads of the past and the trauma can have on later generations. “God save our gracious Queen Elizabeth II, “ was sung by the British King George VI at the time – so it should have been “King George II from 2022 to 2022”. The connection to the first volume is still clear; those interested do not necessarily have to have read the first books beforehand, although it doesn't hurt to have done so.