Right-wing student organization and RN deputies accused a professor of postponing an exam to allow students to celebrate Eid. The president of the establishment quickly denied these accusations to BFM Nice Côte d'Azur.

Jeanick Brisswalter indicated that the University of Nice is "not in an examination period" and that "if one or more teachers want to postpone a continuous assessment evaluation, it is not an exam, it's not from a university instruction” According to him, no postponement took place, “the students were there and no problem was reported” But he nevertheless specified that a “recall to the internal regulations of the University was made”, the regulation stipulating “that no reason of a religious, philosophical, political order or consideration of sex may be invoked in the perspective (….) to refuse to take part in certain examinations” The student organization said it was shocked and called on the University to investigate and “strictly apply the principle of secularism”