Termination is rarely easy. How you should behave as an employee when you quit is important.

The job is a topic that many employees think about. Factors can be, for example, salary, appreciation or activities. If you want to be happier in your job, five factors play a role. If your situation does not improve in the long term, look for clear signs to change jobs. But how do employees properly quit their own job? IMPULSIVE REACTIONS CAN BE HARMFUL. The experts at Stepstone recommend informing your managers in advance about the termination. You should also pay attention to the statutory notice period. You can reach a larger group with a farewell email, which is a good way to show your appreciation again. IfYou like, you can also say goodbye with cake. As an employee, you must terminate in writing. Even a message by email is not effective. You must remain professional and, at best, part on good terms, the experts say.