Keeping potted herbs alive for a long time is an art. Watering is definitely more important than lots of sun.

Mediterranean herbs like thyme and rosemary, unsurprisingly, do not require as much water as chives, which naturally like to grow near rivers. Outdoors, drought-loving plants hardly need any additional water. You should pay particular attention to basil, which likes moisture and should never dry out. Mint, however, it requires a lot of water, so always keep it slightly moist, water thoroughly, and remove excess water from the saucer. You can find even more exciting garden topics in the regular newsletter from our partner Back to Mail Online home. back to the page you came from. The Daily Discussion: How do you grow your own herbs? Share your gardening tips and tricks with CNN iReport. Follow us on Twitter at www.dailygarden and @24garten and @MailOnlineGarden. Back to the page where you came from.