The decision to put a cat to sleep is one of the saddest moments in a pet owner's life. It is often not easy to recognize the right time to say goodbye - which is also because cats consciously hide their pain.

If the cat's suffering is too great, there is sometimes no other option than to euthanize the animal. Possible reasons for euthanizing a cat include: Incurable diseases with high levels of suffering. Severe pain that cannot be relieved with medication. Serious accidental injuries. Advanced senility. Accept that saying goodbye to your pet will be an emergency for you. Give yourself time to process your emotions and decide whether you ultimately decide to bury your cat or leave him in the hands of the vet. You can find even more exciting animal topics in the free newsletter from Landtiere, which you can subscribe to right here. The technical term for euthanasia is euthanasia. The term comes from Greek and means something like “good death”. In veterinary medicine, this refers to the gentle, painless euthanasia of an animal.