Magdalena Pesce is the first woman to reach the position of CEO at Wines of Argentina. She says that it is necessary for the wine field to be more egalitarian and inclusive.

In 2023, 203 million liters of Argentine wine were sold abroad, a $678 million business that has a woman's face. The higher the position, the greater the inequality, Pesce says. She names Susana Balbo as the model for all women in the industry, the great pioneer who dared to enter this world in the 80s and 90s. The reality of women is the same as in the rest of the industries, they have masculinized areas and other feminized ones, says Pesce. "Although there are more and more women in companies, and they are growing, they still need to reach positions of power," she says. The most senior positions in the wine industry are occupied between 60% and 67% by men. In 25% of the wineries they admitted to having experienced problems related to discrimination or gender violence.