Silverfish can be an indication of larger problems in the house. Humidity can be reduced by ventilation and heating in damp rooms.

The Federal Environment Agency recommends regularly vacuuming cracks and crevices. A piece of newspaper with honey or a sliced potato makes the bait. The animals would then collect in an open plastic bag that is placed in a dark place and could simply be disposed of outdoors. If there is a severe infestation, it might be worth consulting a mold expert. The best way to check how severe an infestation is is at night. When you turn on the light in the bathroom or kitchen, the animals usually try to flee into their hiding places. Anyone who has set up a spider farm in their basement can unleash their eight-legged army on the intruders. A new invader, the Asian hornet, has been spreading in North Rhine-Westphalia and is already causing considerable damage. If you want to fight the animals, you can prevent them.