The banana is not an ordinary fruit but a berry. Botanically, the banana is a grass.

Unlike fruit trees, it does not have a real stem - but a kind of stem that is made up of layers, like we know from the onion. The banana is formed from the ovary of a single flower and usually contains many seeds. The avocado, by the way, is also considered a grape - like the tomato, grapes and blueberries. The black dot that appears at the end of the peeled banana is actually the flower from which your banana grew. Look out for these signs on bananas - because there are probably spiders in them. The health benefits of the banana include support for intestinal health, heart health, mood and stomach acid neutralization. They are also an ideal pre-workout snack for those who want a boost of energy. They contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body turns into serotonin, also known as the "happy hormone", meaning that they may slightly improve your mood.