In spring there is usually a menacing buzzing sound and thick, dark beetles suddenly float through the air. The cockchafers hatch.

And that means: hobby gardeners beware. The beetles can cause double damage in the garden. Depending on the weather, the beetles can become a real pest and destroy the entire garden. And by the time they have hatched, in many cases it is already too late for the plants. But it is not so easy to say whether 2024 will be a year for the May beetle. As NABU writes, there are different types of May beetles. And depending on the species and region, the cockchAFers hatch in different years. For example, these regions and federal states have had strong May beetle seasons in the last 3 years and could be spared in 2024. But if you remember that there were a particularly large number of cockchafer. in your garden four years ago, you could now have a problem. It is precisely the larvae that cause the most damage to the garden and can eat everything that comes in front of the biters, preferably plant roots.