Around 230,000 people in Germany develop sepsis every year, and at least 85,000 of them die. Sepsis is life-threatening when the body's own immune reaction damages its own organs when defending against pathogens.

Possible causes of blood poisoning are viral or bacterial infections, but fungi and parasites can also result in blood poisoning. If seps is suspected, medical treatment must be given immediately. If antibiotic therapy is not started in time, there is a risk of multi-organ failure. The following symptoms must be taken seriously, as the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) informs: Fever and chills. Rapid pulse and heart palpitations. Shortness of breath and rapid breathing. Confusion and disorientation. The organs, including the brain, no longer receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Pain and strong feeling of illness. Damp skin or cold extremities, sweating or freezing or freezing. The blood vessels are damaged. This article only contains information on the respective health topic and is not intended for self-diagnosis or treatment.