Nearly 100,000 people live in Spain with type 1 diabetes. The EMA is considering approving the first drug that has been shown to delay the onset of symptoms.

Teplizumab prevents T lymphocytes from attacking beta cells and slows down the development of the disease for two or three years. The drug was approved in the US in November 2022 and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is now studying whether to do the same in the EU.. One of the main hypotheses is that some viral infections trigger the immune system's excessive reaction to the hormone insulin. With money received from Sanofi, Francisco León has started another investigation into a virus called Bxsie, which indicates that coronavirus is the only cause of type1 diabetes in other countries.. Researchers from the Agency for Health Quality of Catalonia (AQUAS) and the Hospital del Marcelona (Barcelona) have discovered that the incidence of this community skyrocketed during the pandemic of pandemic influenza.