Strong arms are considered the ultimate symbol of strength, especially among men. We present four of the most effective exercises with which you can define your entire arm muscles.

Also suitable for women. Strong, well-defined forearms are not only practical for everyday activities and enhance performance in many sports, but they also contribute to the appearance of shapely arms. For perfectly shaped arms, it is not enough to just train your biceps. Disproportions not only look strange, but can also cause functional limitations and an increased risk of injury. Here you will find 4 of theMost effective exercises to strengthen and perfectly shape your entire arms. Gym training plan for beginners with a focus on losing weight: Download the PDF for free HERE.. Hammer curls with dumbbells: Sit upright on the bench, tense your core muscles, hold a dumbbell in each hand in a neutral grip, and focus on the brachis and brachial brachioris muscles. After reaching the final position, do not move the final body part.