Athéna Montuoro is the creator of Badines Lingerie. She says that hand washing is essential to keep your lingerie beautiful over time.

It is not a mistake to wash them less often, but be careful not to neglect them. To wear or clean, you have to suffer (a little) to be (in) beautiful (lingerie). The right technology is to use lukewarm water, as long as the water is luke warm. As for the product, laundry detergent or Marseille soap, it's your choice, as well as the type of soap you use. If you can afford not to throw them in the dirty laundry bin just after wearing them for a day, the bra still requires almost as much maintenance as panties. “You need two panties for one bra, which means washing every two days,” advises AthénaMontuoro. “When you invest in fine lingerie it's really better to clean it yourself,’ she says.