A lot can go wrong when growing tomatoes. A typical phenomenon is so-called rotten tomatoes.

Rotting tomatoes can be recognized by the fact that the seedlings shoot up and then often collapse. However, if they are recognized in time, the plants can easily be saved. You can tell that your tomato plants are on the mend when they start producing more leaves and shine in a lush green color. After the Ice Saints, you can finally plant the tomatoes in the garden. If you then avoid further mistakes, nothing will stand in the way of a good tomato harvest in summer.. In spring the first tomatoes are grown on the windowsill. But a lot can going wrong - for example if the plants rot. If tomatoes rot, it is usually because the growing trays are in a location that is too dark. The shoots then grow up quickly in order to get as much sunlight as possible. Even at the window, the lighting conditions in our latitudes may not be optimal. If this is not possible, it helps to rotate the growing pots regularly so that they receive enough light.