Ziva Eshel is a reflexologist and medical masseuse. She accompanies many women on their pregnancy journey.

Ziva sees the utmost importance in connecting to the body, to the natural birth instinct. "It's not that you press a button and everything changes - you have to prepare for this thing," says Ziva. "The more fear does not rule us, and we learn to release control, the higher the likelihood that the birth will be easier," she says. "I help women trust themselves and their bodies, the more they trust their bodies," she adds. "Nothing is 100 percent certain, but I can teach women to reduce the risk of an emergency caesarean section, or God forbid, an emergency vacuum birth," Ziva says. 'It is not to give up on the real process of real birth - it helps reduce stress and tension, it infuses oxygen, it relaxes and reduces tension,' Ziva adds. 'You have to end the birth quickly, so either you end up with a vacuum, or you have a baby who is simply exhausted and is simply not eating enough. Long story short: pregnancy, smile! there's hope."