The ruling party celebrated this Friday the 11% inflation rate for March. Minister of Economy Luis Caputo spoke of "strong deceleration" and a "path of disinflation" Radicalism made a comparison with the "inheritance" of Alberto Fernández and launched a call for dialogue.

According to the latest INDEC report, interannual inflation remains at 287.9% and in the first quarter of the year - the first three full months of the Milei administration - it already accumulates 51.6%. UCR legislators focused on that number. "Inflation of 11% continues to be the main problem of Argentines. A number that reflects the inheritance received," highlighted Senator Maxi Abad. For his part, Juan Manuel Urtubey warned about the drop in the standard of living of the middle class and warned that that "people cannot tolerate another disaster" like that of Alberto Fernándz. The fight against inflation is not only for the Argentines, it is also for the most disadvantaged.