Online pharmacies aggressively advertise cannabis prescriptions – even without medical advice. The CSU sees this as counteracting the traffic light plans and sees “further madness of this law” Since April 1st, cannabis is no longer considered a narcotic, but rather a prescription medication.

Two doctors who are currently very popular with consumers are a “Doctor of Medicine’ from Croatia, who sells cannabis via a platform from Lower Saxony, and a Hamburg doctor whose company is based in Malta. Due to the high number of requests, there has already been a freeze on inquiries on the relevant portals. The Association of German Cannabis Patients (BDCan) is watching this development with concern. “We are pissed off,” says Michael Kambeck, political spokesman for the association, to IPPEN.MEDIA. The federal government explains that, according to the law, medical cannabis can only be sold by a pharmacy after a doctor's prescription and only upon presentation of the prescription.