The Bavarian Business Association (vbw) gave Germany a poor report regarding the energy transition. Amprion wants to invest around 27.5 billion euros in expanding and converting the transmission network by 2028.

“The balance between climate protection, security of supply and affordability has been lost,” complained the AmPrion CEO. The company was able to start construction of the A-Nord direct current connection a year earlier than planned.. The federal government is pouring billions of euros into network expansion. The network operators only increased costs here in April. The end consumer pays more and more. According to a current study, the cost of electricity is expected to remain high in the long term. By 2040, according to a scientific team led by Verika Grimm, the average electricity line cost in Germany will remain at around 2040 euros per kilowatt-hour (kW/h) The cost of energy in Germany is still too expensive in Germany. By the end of the 2040s, it is expected that a trend in these costs will take place.