The Paris Book Festival organized three giant dictations on the theme of JP. Agnès Martin-Lugand, David Foenkinos and Marc Lévy prepared the texts.

Former Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak took her place among the participants. “Spelling must become a game and a sport. The more we write, the more we read, theMore we learn and it ends up getting into our minds,” explains Agnés Martin- lugand. The Great Dictation of Games awarded all participants a gold medal, giving them free entry to the Paris Book festival.. The event took place on April 12 on the occasion of the ParisBook Festival and was captured by France Télévision for the program “La grande bibliography’. The first lines were dictated around 3 p.m. by the novelist. The exercise is not graded but participants take it very seriously, like, applied, before the tongue sticking out a little, to the side.