Most German pensioners do not go to “classic’ pensioners’ paradises such as the Canary Islands or Thailand. Most German retirees living abroad lived in Austria (almost 12 percent) or Switzerland (11.3 percent) The holiday destination Spain comes in third place (9.5 percent), followed by the USA ( 9.12 percent).

Other countries in Europe such as France and Italy follow behind, while in the rest of the world there are very few pensioners from Germany. The German pensioner Sibylle Zinser, who is enjoying her pension in Florida, also warns in the Handelsblatt: “This is nothing for an average earner” A house on the water in Florida can be bought for upwards of eight million dollars, but it is generally difficult to buy anything less than a million. In many of these countries, not only is the cost of living low, but the healthcare system is also modern and therefore the care is good. The top ten for 2024 are: Costa Rica, Portugal, Mexico, Panama, Spain, Ecuador, Greece, Malaysia and France.