The world watches helplessly in the face of a sustained and ostensible war against Gaza that has been going on for six months. The “war against Hamas,” quickly turns out to be one against Gaza.

Israel's forces have left 33,000 civilians in Gaza in the last six months, 70% were children. The main deceased victims: civilians. All in the name of – or “under the pretext of” – Netanyahu and Israel’s fight “against terrorism.” The fundamental objectives - and the deaths - have been civilians. The most recent “targets”: the criminal attack on the humanitarian mission of the NGO World Central Kitchen (WCK), organized by chef José Andrés, founder of that NGO. Israel has apologized for the murder of the seven collaborators but nothing is known about the in-depth investigation of responsibilities. The majority of victims in this war are civilians. And much of this has to do with operational strategies and tactical guidelines and not with “collateral damage” that could have occurred.