CDU politician Mario Voigt agreed to an argument with AfD right winger Björn Höcke. It could now be a signal for the confrontation with right-wing extremists.

The debate took place on the anniversary of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar. There had already been a lot of criticism in advance of the debate on broadcaster Welt.. The Central Council of Jews in Germany, however, praised the dispute. “It was the right thing to do,” said VoigT, who is the CDU’s top candidate for the state election in Thuringia. ‘We are moving forward, but I call on others to follow us,’ said Friedrich Merz, leader of the SPD, Greens and FDP. � “The TV duel showed that AfD officials have to be confronted again and again with their radical views”, said the Central Council President Josef Schuster. ”Then can also help if the AfD tries to talk himself out of the television spotlight’