Marie-Hélène Thoraval, mayor of Romans-sur-Isère, says she is “dismayed, four months after the death of Thomas Perotto” This Tuesday, November 9, a young person, aged 15, was killed in the Monnaie district, where some of the alleged attackers at the Crépol ball came from. “I see a growing trend in knife attacks and I consider that it is a fairly new phenomenon for three or four years,” she observes.

‘I can't take any more of the ministers' outbursts. By jumping, we're going to stamp our feet,’ says Thoraval of the right-wing mayor of Bordeaux, where she has been mayor for ten years, almost to the day.. Changing the semantics to change awareness would already be a first step, according to Thoraval. � “If we consider these events as social facts rather than as news items, this will make it possible to work on solutions co-constructed with the State’